Is Cold Weather Causing Your Humidity Levels to Drop? We Install Home Humidifiers for Middle Tennessee Residents

Cold weather tends to mean more time spent indoors. For some this is idyllic, as they cozy up with family, reading books, watching movies, and playing games. But if your living space is low on humidity, it can have a negative impact on your health and comfort levels, ruining the fun for everyone inside.

Like with most things in life, humidity levels are all about balance – and here at Petitt Heating & Cooling, we aim to empower Sumner County homeowners by granting them just that with our humidifier installation services.

For fresher and cleaner air, make us your trusted crew indoor air quality services.

What Does a Humidifier Do? How Does It Work?

A humidifier’s purpose is to add moisture into your home or business’s airflow, helping to increase humidity levels during the cooler months when things are notoriously dry. How does this work?

Your humidifier will already have water inside of it. This water is then drawn through a filter, which absorbs it and allows it to evaporate. This evaporated water is then blown into your air – with the help of a fan or blower – as a water vapor.

And, just like that, your air is less dry and those inside the space are a lot more comfortable.

Humidifier sitting on coffee table blowing steam with sofa in the background

What Are the Negative Impacts of Low Humidity?

What can happen if low humidity levels aren’t addressed?

  • Health issues are more likely. Dry air irritates your skin and throat, and it can trigger a range of respiratory problems – especially for those who already have issues, like asthma or allergies. Viruses are more likely to spread in this environment too.
  • Home damage is more likely. Dry air can cause wooden furniture, window panes, and floors to shrink and even crack.
  • Electronics can be affected. Because low humidity increases the amount of static in your air, this could have a potentially damaging effect on electronic devices.
  • Increased overall discomfort. If your lips are chapped, your hands are dry, and your throat is scratchy, it can make relaxing in your home feel impossible. You’ll be more irritable, you won’t sleep as well, and it makes for a less pleasant atmosphere overall.

Dealing with these issues currently? Give us a call or reach out online. We are here to ensure homeowners in Belle Meade, Cross Plains, East Nashville, Germantown, Goodlettsville, and more stay as safe and comfortable as possible all year round.

What Are Ideal Humidity Levels for a Home?

Home humidity levels are at their best when between 30-50%.

This ensures any issues associated with dry air (cough, itchy throat, sore eyes, dry skin, snoring, cracked woodwork, etc.) are avoided, as well as those hazards commonly blamed on too-humid air (illness, mold growth, swelling woodwork, etc.).

To keep your air as clean and safe to breathe in as possible, be sure to monitor your indoor humidity levels closely and, if you’re concerned about where you stand, be sure to ask about our humidifier and dehumidifiers. The team at Petitt is here and happy to set you up right.

Can Humidifiers Help With Wintertime Illnesses?

Humidifiers can help with asthma and allergies, as air that’s too dry is known to exacerbate symptoms associated with these ailments. It can also help ease discomfort associated with a cough, sore throat, or cold – and prevent these issues from creeping up during the winter months when people tend to be stuck inside.

Why Is Maintaining My Humidifier Important?

As with any appliance, maintaining your humidifier is important for a number of reasons. Some of these are:

  • Avoiding mold and bacteria growth. Areas that are too moist are the perfect breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and other bacteria to form, grow, and thrive. Because your humidifier holds moisture, it should be regularly cleaned and maintained to avoid dangerous buildup.
  • Preventing inefficiency. If your humidifier gets clogged or dirty, it won’t function as efficiently – or as safely.
  • Maintaining good air quality. We aim to install humidifiers in hopes of improving indoor air quality, but systems that aren’t maintained can actually do just the opposite, inviting harmful pollutants into your air.
  • Extending system lifespan. If you invest in a new humidifier, you want it to last for the long haul – which is why taking care of it is so important. Regular maintenance helps to avoid expensive repairs and premature breakdowns.

What’s the best way to care for your HVAC system and all the parts that make it up? By relying on us. Our team of licensed and certified experts would be happy to help you out. Call now to get your next tune-up on the books.

Why Is My Humidifier Not Working?

Does your air still have all the symptoms of being too dry, despite you having a humidifier installed? It could be that your system isn’t working. Here’s the next best steps for getting to the bottom of the problem:

  • Check the power source. Is your unit properly plugged in or hooked up correctly? If not, this should be a relatively easy fix.
  • Check the water supply. Is your system getting water? If the water lines are clogged or if there’s some other reason your humidifier isn’t getting the water it needs to run appropriately, this needs to be remedied.
  • Check the drain line. Just like too little water isn’t good for the system, too much water isn’t good either. Make sure your drain line isn’t blocked up and that water can effectively exit the system, as needed.
  • Check the filters. Most parts of your HVAC system require filters to block toxins and pollutants from getting into your air – and your humidifier is no exception. Make sure the filter isn’t full of debris – and replace it right away if it is.
  • Check for faulty parts. Are specific parts of the system (like the fan, motor, valves, etc.) showing signs of damage or corrosion? Get a professional on the job right away to recommend repairs or new parts.
  • Check with your HVAC tech. If you’ve done some troubleshooting and still have no idea what the issue might be, don’t wait to reach out. We’d be happy to look things over, then recommend the best course of action to get you back to where you need to be.

Is a Humidifier Good for Homes With Pets?

Wondering if a humidifier is a good – or safe – investment for your furbabies?

You bet! In fact, it offers similar benefits to these critters that it offers humans, like less dry skin, decreased likelihood of illness, and increased comfort all around. So, if you’re concerned about this at all, put it out of your mind and talk with us about your options.

Mother father and child sitting in the background on a gray sofa with large dog in the foreground.

Can a Humidifier Help With Snoring?

Ok, this may seem like a silly question, but it’s one people tend to ask a lot. Dry air is known for drying out your nasal passageways, which can result in snoring… so a humidifier can help prevent it, right?

Many have found that humidifiers do, in fact, help ease snoring caused by dryness in the air. That said, it definitely isn’t always a cure-all, as snoring can have a number of underlying causes. But if you or a loved one only seem to snore in those drier months of the year, amping up your humidifier game is definitely worth a try.

And hey – even if the snoring continues to be a problem, you won’t be losing out, as humidifiers still add a number of other benefits.

Can a Humidifier Help Keep Houseplants Alive?

If you own houseplants, dry air is something to fear. A home filled with thriving greenery can be a great mood booster, but if these plants are dying out and turning brown, well… it’ll have the opposite effect.

So, can humidifiers play a part in keeping plants alive during the cold, dry months of winter? Since humidifiers add moisture to the air – which plants need to live – it can definitely help. Just don’t go too overboard, as too much moisture isn’t good for anyone either.

Can a Humidifier Help Reduce Static Electricity?

Feel a jolt of electricity every time you turn on a light switch? This is annoying, and it can even be painful. If shocking people is common in your household, it’s likely things are too dry – and that the space would benefit from a humidifier.

Not to mention, too much static can trigger damage and performance issues with your electronics. In this day and age, with so many working from home and reliant on these devices to keep in touch with friends and family, this is definitely something you’ll want to avoid.

What Size Humidifier Do I Need for My Home?

There are a number of factors that will affect the size of humidifier you’ll need for your home’s setup. Here are some good questions to ask when taking this into consideration.

How big is my home? 

This may seem like an obvious statement, but bigger homes need larger humidifier systems. That said, you don’t want one that’s too big for your setup either. In the end, one that’s too small for your needs will be overworked, not perform as well, and will break down prematurely, while one that’s too big won’t run efficiently – and will likely cost you more money up front too.

How low are my humidity levels?

Do your humidity levels seem exceptionally low? There are devices that can measure humidity levels in your home, which will indicate how much power you’ll need from your humidifier. Talk with your HVAC tech about where your levels stand and where you want them – they’ll be able to point you in the right direction.

Is your entire home dry or just certain areas?

Just like basements are known for being more damp than the rest of your home, the same can be true for other rooms in terms of dryness. If you don’t need a humidifier for the entire home, there’s no use purchasing one that’ll reach every nook and cranny.

Still have questions? Reach out! We’re here and happy to help.

How Often Should My Humidifier Be Cleaned?

How often your humidifier should be cleaned will be dependent on the type and size of your current system. A smaller, portable one should have the water changed daily, and the water should never be left standing in it when the device is not in use. Then, do a thorough deep clean a couple of times per month.

As for home humidifiers, though, those need to be approached differently. For these, maintenance and cleaning is more of a seasonal task, done once the system is being shut down for the season. There are cleaning solutions that can be put in the drain to prevent mold growth, and the filters should be discarded or cleaned too, depending on the type you use.

Remember, too, that certain types of filters need to be swapped out regularly throughout the season as well. Ask our techs about what options are best for your home and what would be the smartest investment for your needs.

Say Goodbye to Dry Air – Reach Out to Our Technicians Today

Dry air is more than an annoyance – it can hinder your health and make life at home exceptionally uncomfortable. But we have solutions. Talk with us about the humidifiers we can install for you, then while you’re at it, ask about our indoor air quality services too! We have the tools, training, and knowledge to ensure you’re set up with everything you need to live more comfortably.

Looking for financing options? We have those to explore too. We offer 0% interest options, as well as some plans with payments as low as $100 per month. There’s no reason not to get your HVAC needs addressed with us!

Don’t put it off. We’re here to help homeowners all throughout White House, Springfield, Hendersonville, Green Hills, and more. Call us 615-654-0814 or reach out to us through our online scheduling form now to get started.


One very effective tool in our indoor air quality toolkit is ultraviolet (UV) lights. Ask us for more information anytime.