Keep Your Air Cleaner & Fresher With Our Indoor Air Quality Services

Have you ever gone into your attic on a hot summer day only to be hit by a wall of hot, solid air? After getting what you need and leaving that space, getting back to the lower levels of your home and taking in a deep breath of air conditioned air can be a huge relief.

Well, it’s a similar feeling going from a home with poor air quality to a home that’s equipped with purification systems to keep the air fresher and cleaner. You’ll find you can breathe a little easier, you’ll be less prone to common illnesses, and you’ll avoid harmful irritants that can trigger dry eyes, skin rashes, and more.

So, how can you improve indoor air quality in your home? Well, one way is by seeking the help of our trusted HVAC experts. We have the tools, training, and expertise to set you up right.

How Do We Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Here at Petitt Heating & Cooling, we have multiple ways to make indoor air cleaner for the homeowners in Sumner County. Services we offer include:

  • UV Lights: We use ultraviolet lights to prevent germs and other bacteria from spreading throughout your home. This technology will purify your air and ensure you and your family are breathing fresher day after day.
  • Dehumidifier: High humidity levels can encourage mold growth and put respiratory issues into overdrive. We can set you up with a dehumidifier that suits your needs and keeps your humidity levels in check.
  • Humidifier: Is your air not humid enough? This can lead to dry skin, rashes, illness, the spread of germs, and more. Keeping your humidity levels in an ideal range is important – we’re here to help.
  • Air Filtration: Maintaining good indoor air quality reduces the chance of illness and keeps annoying irritants at bay. Invest in our air filtration services to ensure pollutants don’t wreak havoc on you and your loved ones.

If any of these services sound like they’d benefit your household, please reach out for more details. We’re happy to take your call, answer any questions, then set up an appointment time that works well for you.

New air filter being placed into system.
Mother and child sitting at computer with an indoor humidifier on desk.
Crawl space protected with thick plaster cover.

How Does Indoor Air Quality Affect Health?

Can indoor air quality have a negative impact on your health? You bet. Poor air quality can trigger all kinds of negative symptoms that take a toll on your body, as well as affect sleep cycles and mental health.

Can indoor air quality make you physically sick?

Poor air quality can trigger various symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, throat irritation, stuffy noses, and similar cold or flu-like symptoms. And for those who are already prone to allergies and respiratory issues, like asthma, these symptoms tend to be much worse.

If proper ventilation isn’t implemented, these issues will only worsen, especially in extra busy households – think kiddos bringing in dirt and debris, pets running in and out, sporting equipment being tossed on the floor, etc.

In addition to this, poor-performing HVAC systems can also trigger mold and mildew growth throughout the home, and as the spores enter the air, they can make residents ill as well.

Can indoor air quality affect sleep?

Does it seem that the Sandman has been bypassing your home lately? Poor air quality could be to blame. All the illnesses caused by poor air quality – colds, migraines, nausea, respiratory struggles, allergies, etc. – can make it difficult to relax, breathe deeply, and get good sleep.

And once you do finally drift off? These symptoms don’t allow for that restful, deep sleep we need to maintain productive days. This adds anxiety to the mix, making sleep that much more unattainable. In the end, poor indoor air quality can kick off a vicious cycle of illness, lack of sleep, and mental health strains which is hard to get out of – and will only continue as air quality stays the same.

Can indoor air quality cause headaches?

Keep fighting headaches day in and day out? Headaches invite work delays, keep you from tackling your to-do list, and make family time and self-care seemingly unattainable. If you keep experiencing them, without good explanation, consider that the air entering your body isn’t up to par.

In the end, to reduce headaches, illness, and other health problems caused by indoor air pollution, finding ways to combat it is a must. Use air purifiers, change your filters on a regular basis, and – most importantly – ask our crew what we can do to help.

How Can I Prevent Mold Growth in My Home?

Mold growth and the spores produced by it can be a big contributor to poor air quality and other health hazards. So, how can mold growth be avoided?

  • Moisture control. Mold thrives in damp and dark areas, so a home that’s too humid or moist can result in excess mold and mildew growth. Combat moisture by getting leaks promptly fixed, turning on exhaust fans regularly, and investing in a dehumidifier.
  • Maintain good ventilation. While homes shouldn’t be too dry, they should be dry enough to prevent the growth and spread of mold. This means ensuring you have proper ventilation throughout your entire home.
  • Address leaks right away. If you have any leaks throughout your home, don’t wait to have them fixed. Mold removal is time-consuming and costly, so calling in a pro to get your leak issues addressed promptly is always going to be the smarter route.
  • Dry out flooded areas quickly. If your home or basement has flooded due to inclement weather or some other event, clear and dry out the area as quickly as possible. If done within 24-48 hours, you’ll avoid significant mold growth.
  • Use mold-killing cleaning products. Your bathroom and other notoriously damp areas can be cleaned with products that have mold-killing agents in them. So, you’ll be cleaning and preventing mold growth all in one shot – can’t beat that.
  • Remove wet carpets. If you have flooring, rugs, or carpets that have experienced significant water damage and you can’t get them dried quickly, remove them as soon as you can and have them replaced.
  • Use mold-resistant remodeling materials. Renovating, remodeling, or redecorating? Consider using mold-resistant materials throughout the process. For example, mold-resistant drywall and mold-resistant paint are both available for purchase. Do your research – it’s bound to pay off quite a bit!
  • Clean on a regular basis. This may seem like a given, but be sure those often-neglected areas of the home (like closets, back rooms, storage spaces, etc.) get the cleaning attention they need. These are the places mold growth tends to go unnoticed.
  • Monitor your home closely. Signs of mold growth can include musty odors, wall or ceiling discoloration, or just seeing it form in those damp, dark corners of your home. Keep your senses open to potential mold growth, so you can seek resolutions quickly should it appear.

Can Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality?

It’s no secret that trees and other plants are known to help clean the air, so it would seem logical to assume that indoor plants could make a big impact on the air quality inside of your home. …right?

Not so much. While studies have shown that plants can make an impact on air quality in a controlled setting, when it comes to fighting off pollutants in your home, we’re dealing with a whole different ball game. Unless you’re, quite literally, filling your room with them, indoor plants aren’t going to have much of an impact on air quality.

Lady spraying all of her indoor plants on a wooden shelf.

I Have Pets – How Can I Combat Poor Air Quality?

Pets can bring a lot of happiness and warmth to a home. That said, there’s no denying that they aren’t exactly great for maintaining good air quality. How do cats, dogs, and other critters play a role in hurting your indoor air?

  1. They have dander. Pet dander can trigger symptoms related to allergies and asthma, especially for those already prone to these issues.
  2. Their hair and fur can accumulate. Most pets shed – albeit some more than others – so avoiding hair and fur buildup can feel impossible. Unfortunately, all of this can impact your air quality, as well as enter your ducts, making the situation even worse.
  3. They produce odors. Pets bring on a whole new range of smells, which can make your air quality less than pleasant. This can have health effects, and it can hurt the overall atmosphere of your home too.
  4. They produce waste. Like all living creatures, pets need to use the restroom from time to time. While most dogs will do their business outdoors, other critters, like cats, birds, rodents, and more, have spots inside for this. These particles can get in the air and affect it significantly.

The good news is, these things can be combatted. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to put in a bit of extra time and effort to do so. (Which, let’s face it, is usually worth it considering all the good pets can add to our lives.)

To help improve indoor air quality with pets, stay on top of cleaning and ventilation. This might mean some extra vacuuming or sweeping, as well as incorporating air filtration systems in your home and changing your filters more often.

It may also be beneficial to invest in regular grooming sessions for your pet or, at the least, regularly bathe and brush them on your own.

We’re experts in air quality, so we’d love to help you find the best solutions possible.

How Can I Test Indoor Air Quality?

The best way to accurately test indoor air quality levels is to purchase an indoor air quality monitor. These can range in price from costing as low as $40-$50 to hundreds of dollars. Needless to say, it’s definitely an investment, but one that can be significantly worth it if issues are found and then able to be resolved.

If purchasing one of these devices isn’t an option for you, we suggest paying close attention to classic symptoms of poor air quality. Are your eyes and throat dry and scratchy? Have you noticed more allergy-related issues? Have you or family members been getting ill more often? Then, your air quality may be to blame.

Regardless of where your air quality levels are, investing in air purifiers, UV light technology, and other improvements is never a bad idea. Talk with us about which options would be best to incorporate into your HVAC setup, then pay attention and see how your health improves.

Do things seem to be going better? Then, congratulations – you’ve made some much-necessary improvements!

Air quality Monitor held in hand with ac unit in background.

Is Air Quality Better Indoors or Outdoors?

Most assume outdoor air is more polluted than indoor air – especially when you picture factories puffing out smog, all the fumes produced from cars and planes, and the many other sources of air pollution.

Generally speaking, though, it’s thought that outdoor air is actually significantly cleaner and better for you than indoor air, and there is years worth of scientific research and evidence to back up this claim. The bad news is that this research has also shown us that most people tend to spend more time indoors than out – which, as we see, can be a serious problem.

If you work indoors – or work from home, as many nowadays do – then solving indoor air quality issues should be a priority, as you’ll be the most at risk for health problems that occur due to extended exposure to pollutants. Fortunately, our team has solutions for both homeowners and those in charge of commercial spaces. Reach out today!

What Causes Indoor Air Problems?

Some sources of poor air quality and indoor air pollution include:

      • pet dander
      • household cleaning products
      • excess dust and dirt
      • tobacco smoke and products
      • mold growth
      • dirty air ducts
      • poor home ventilation
      • pesticides
      • cleaning products
      • outdoor air pollutants
      • …and more
Mother sitting on sofa with their dog - daughter and father on floor playing with blocks.

Essentially, pollutants in the air are unavoidable. They’ll work their way in from outside or from dirt buildup in your home, then circulate through your ventilation system again and again, affecting your quality of living.

That said, by recognizing these pollutants, figuring out which ones specifically are affecting you, and doing what you can to eliminate them, you can create a healthier environment and reduce your and your family’s risk of exposure.

Are There Regulations for Indoor Air Quality?

Yes, there are regulations and standards for maintaining good indoor air quality, but these vary from country to country.

In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in charge of setting standards for indoor air quality, as well as providing guidelines and information on how to best maintain it.

Who is responsible for enforcing air quality?

While the EPA is responsible for setting the standards in the United States, enforcing them typically falls to the state and local governments. How is this done?

First, through the use of inspections. During an inspection, authorized personnel will typically check for sources of indoor air pollutants, as well as proper ventilation and the use of air cleaning systems. In some cases, these factors may be continuously monitored to ensure levels stay in accordance with the EPA’s guidelines.

And if the air isn’t up to par? Then, fine, penalties, or other legal measures will be taken until any necessary improvements or upgrades are made. Again, processes and procedures will vary based on the state or jurisdiction.

What Kind of Cleaning Products Should I Use for Cleaner Air?

If you’ve heard the hype about how many cleaning products can affect indoor air quality in a bad way, then you’re probably concerned about using all of those sprays and solutions in your cupboard. But there are ways you can reduce pollutants, while still getting your home squeaky clean. Here are some products we suggest using…

      • EPA-Approved Products: There are several products that fall onto the EPA’s Safer Choice List, and these products are labeled to reflect this. These have been screened by the EPA and contain less of those especially harmful pollutants.
      • Green Cleaning Products: Products labeled as “green” or “eco-friendly” will have less harmful ingredients and tend to do a better job keeping your air cleaner. That said, be sure to do your research to ensure the brands you’re trusting are legit.
      • Natural Home Remedies: Search online to figure out which pantry items could double as a cleaner. For example, a baking soda and vinegar mixture can work wonders on many surfaces and is both natural and non-toxic. In fact, we’re guessing you’ll find lots of uses for basic white vinegar, as well as many other products.
      • Microfiber Cloths: These cloths are highly effective at trapping dirt and dust, reducing the amount of particles that can eventually become airborne and circulate through your vents. And they don’t require the assistance of extra sprays or cleaners.

Some other cleaning tips for maintaining cleaner air include…

      • Since products and residue can remain on surfaces long after they are “cleaned,” be sure to rinse any surface liberally with water after the fact.
      • Don’t use more of any product than you need to. For especially dirty areas, more seems to equal better, but we recommend starting out slow, then using more only as needed.
      • Try natural remedies first. While some stains or messes require tougher products, see what you can get clean with water and natural products first before moving onto the chemical-filled options.
      • If you used sponges, paper towels, or other products that can be tossed, trash them as soon as you can, then take the garbage out.
      • Make sure any cleaning products that can be reused (mops, brushes, sponges, etc.) are rinsed thoroughly before going back into their storage areas.
      • Make sure your spaces are properly ventilated while you clean. Or, if you’re stuck in a space with poor ventilation (like a bathroom), give yourself frequent breaks away from the space.
      • Regularly dust, vacuum, and sweep to minimize the need for chemicals and other cleaning products.

How Often Should I Change the Air Filters in My Home’s HVAC System?

The frequency that you need to change your air filters will vary based on your living situation, but the most common recommendation is to do this every 1 – 3 months if you’re using basic, 1-inch filters.

That said, 1 – 3 months seems like a wide range, so here’s what we suggest. After one month, check out your filter and, if it’s very dirty, swap it out. If not, wait until the next month and check it again. And so on… After a few months of checking, you should have a good idea of your home’s unique needs.

What can affect how dirty your vents get?

  • whether or not you use high-efficiency filters
  • the size and thickness of your filters
  • the presence of pets in your home
  • the traffic levels of your home
  • whether or not you have air filtration systems in place

For instance, a home with 2 dogs and lots of kids bringing in dirt and debris from multiple sports events will likely require frequent filter changes. A home with one of two people who tend to be homebodies, not so much.

    New air filter being change in unit.

    What Can Homeowners Do to Improve Indoor Air Quality?

    How can you improve indoor air quality? Here’s a few steps we recommend taking to keep your air as fresh as possible.

    • Change your air filters every 1-3 months.
    • Vacuum and sweep regularly.
    • Clean dust and buildup off your vent returns.
    • Open windows when you can to keep fresh air circulating.
    • Do what you can to reduce humidity in your home.

    And when all is said and done, be sure to trust an expert to help you out with everything else. We hold certifications and memberships with many reputable organizations and we have hundreds of training hours under our belt. Combine that with decades of on-the-job experience and the personalized care you only get from a family-owned business, and you’ve got a team you can rely on for the long haul.

      Need Indoor Air Quality Services for Your Commercial Space?

      If you own or manage a business, you’ve likely thought of multiple options for keeping your employees safer, like implementing alarm systems, password-protecting documents, keeping employee-only spaces locked, and more.

      But we’re guessing indoor air quality monitoring wasn’t part of your list.

      That said, good indoor air quality can play a major role in improving both the health and mood of your office space – which then makes a big impact on mental health and morale. Ask us about your options. We’d be happy to set you up right.

      Call or Reach Out Online to Book Your Appointment

      Ready to start your journey to cleaner air? We serve homeowners all throughout Sumner County, including the cities of Hendersonville, White House, Cross Plains, Springfield, Goodlettsville, East Nashville, Germantown, Belle Meade, and Green Hills.

      Call our knowledgeable team at 615-654-0814 or book with us online today.

      Whatever you need for you HVAC systems, Petitt has got you covered with our financing options.