Looking for Quality Air Conditioner Services & Repairs in Middle Tennessee? Our Experts Always Deliver

Trusting a team of certified, experienced, and educated techs to repair and service your air conditioner is vital for keeping your system in tip-top shape for the long haul. Not only does it ensure bigger damages and issues are avoided, but it can help to keep your home more comfortable and your air cleaner too.

We offer 24/7 service, flexible financing options, maintenance plan options, and personalized care. When it comes to meeting the heating and cooling needs of Sumner County residents, we strive to do it all.

Put us on speed dial – we’d love to be your go-to crew for all things heating and cooling.

What Air Conditioner Services Does Petitt Heating & Cooling Offer?

What can you expect when you hire us? We do comprehensive checks of your entire A/C system, ensuring any potential issues are spotted long before they turn into bigger problems. Some of the things we always check include:

  • gauges’ operating pressures
  • air temperature drops
  • belt tensions
  • evaporator coils
  • wirings and connections
  • safety float switches
  • …and more!

We’ll also lubricate all moving parts, adjust belt tension (as needed), clean your evaporator coil (if accessible), clean and adjust your thermostat, and essentially ensure all parts of your system are running as safely and efficiently as they should be.

How Often Should I Service My Air Conditioner?

We recommend having your air conditioner serviced at least once a year – ideally right before the hot days of spring and summer arrive.

Why once a year? Regular maintenance improves the efficiency of the unit and can help increase its lifespan. Essentially, it gives us the chance to spot minor concerns before they turn into big repair jobs that shut your entire system down. All this ensures money savings over time, and it ensures you aren’t ever left without A/C in the heat of summer – right when you need it the most.

If you’re looking to make sure you never miss a tune-up (while saving some dollars in the process) consider signing up for our maintenance plan. We’ll send reminders when it’s time to schedule, and we also offer discounts on parts and services. Reach out for more details.

How Do I Know if My Air Conditioner Needs Repairs?

Sometimes it’s obvious when your HVAC system needs some repair work, while other times… not so much. You might have an inkling something is wrong, but aren’t convinced you need to call in a tech. We’ve got a good list of questions to run through if you’re at all concerned about how well your system is functioning.

Is it not cooling?

If your air conditioner seems to be pumping out air that’s much warmer than it should be, then something is definitely wrong. Before calling us in, double check your thermostat to ensure it’s set how it should be, then check your air filters to make sure they aren’t clogged up. 

If you’ve ruled out those simple fixes, call us in. There could be an issue with the motor, compressor, refrigerant levels, evaporator coil, or something else. Regardless, we won’t know until we take a look. One thing’s for certain, though – we’ll definitely find the solutions you need.

Is it leaking?

Noticing water around your A/C unit? This isn’t good, and it’s likely a sign that either your condensate drain line is clogged or your refrigerant levels are too low. Either way, getting some professional insight on the situation is the best route to take.

does it smell odd or musty?

There are a number of reasons why your air conditioning unit might be sending out some strange or unpleasant odors. A big cause is excess moisture, whether that means leaks, standing water, or mold growth caused by high humidity levels.

Whatever the issue is for you, finding a resolution right away is important. Musty odors usually mean something is in your air that shouldn’t be, and things like mold spores in your vents or high humidity levels can lead to illness and other respiratory struggles.

Fortunately for Sumner County homeowners, we’re here to help. Your drip pan, evaporator coils, vents, and condensate lines are all something we can check out to see if they’re causing issues. And if not, we’ll do more troubleshooting. No matter what, we’ll get to the bottom of these unwanted odors and get your system back where it needs to be.

Crew member fixing the wiring on ac unit

Is it making strange noises?

Any sort of strange noise from your air conditioner should be cause for concern. It’s likely there are some parts that are loose, broken, or malfunctioning, and the longer these are ignored, the worse your system will run.

Noises can also occur when there is a leak or electrical problem. Whatever the case, getting repairs completed quickly is imperative. If put off, you may eventually face an entire system breakdown, which means what could have been a potentially quick (and affordable) fix has now turned into a much bigger mess.

Are your energy bills increasing?

A system that isn’t running efficiently will cause your energy bills to spike considerably. Whatever it is that’s causing your HVAC unit to run longer or work harder should be troubleshooted and addressed to avoid paying more down the line.

Trust us – the sooner you invest in care, the better off you’ll be.

Tech working on large outdoor York unit with computers attached.

Can My Air Conditioner Make Me Sick?

If you’ve been experiencing headaches, worse-than-normal allergies, respiratory issues, and other similar ailments, your air conditioner – or, more accurately, your indoor air quality – could be to blame.

If there are pollutants in your air, your HVAC system can circulate those, making the air you breathe much more likely to make you sick. In addition, your air conditioner and ductwork can harbor mold, mildew, bacteria, and other harmful allergens, all of which will enter your air and invite health issues.

Air conditioners can also circulate harmful particles like dust mites, pet dander, and even cigarette smoke. And if you or someone in your home has allergies or asthma, these particles can kickstart symptoms and make it harder to find some relief. In severe cases, exposure to these pollutants can even lead to the development of respiratory infections, like bronchitis or pneumonia.

To prevent problems, it’s essential to invest in regular care from a licensed HVAC tech. They can find any issues that may be causing problems, as well as implement solutions that improve indoor air quality, such as:

      • an air purifier to help remove any harmful particles that may be circulating
      • UV lights to prevent more bacteria from forming
      • a humidifier to avoid excessively dry air
      • a dehumidifier to prevent moisture from causing problem
  • In addition to this, be sure to regularly change your filters. If the air conditioner’s filter is not cleaned or replaced regularly, pollutants are bound to build up and can circulate dust and other particles.

What Is the Average Lifespan of an Air Conditioner?

The average lifespan of an air conditioner is around 10 to 15 years, but with proper care and maintenance some can last up to 20 years. What influences how long yours might last?

  • Quality of installation: The unit should have been installed correctly from the beginning by a professional and well-trained tech, as even a minor flaw or missed step can invite lots of bigger issues.
  • Regular maintenance: Air conditioner units should have a tune-up completed at least once per year. This allows the tech to spot minor problems before they become more costly and time-consuming to address.
  • Quality of the unit itself: The more you spend on the air conditioner initially, the longer it’s likely to last. If you have the means, opt for the more reliable and efficient model to experience more cost savings over time.
  • Frequency and intensity of usage: If you’re keeping your A/C temp low and running it constantly, the system is bound to shut down sooner rather than later. It’ll simply face more wear and tear over time, which leads to a shorter lifespan.
  • Environmental factors: Humidity, inclement weather, heavy rainfalls, high winds, big temperature fluctuations, and more can all affect how long your HVAC system lasts.
Outdoor Mitsubishi HVAC Unit with window on metal building in the background.

How Does the Size of My Air Conditioner Affect Its Efficiency?

Finding the right size A/C unit for your home is similar to the struggle Goldilocks faced when occupying the home of the bears. Too big won’t work and too small isn’t good either… you want your system’s size to be just right for your needs.

Here’s the thing. If your air conditioner is too small, it won’t be able to cool your home efficiently, and it’s going to put in a lot of extra work trying to get temps where they need to be. This means it’ll run longer, increasing energy bills, and end up experiencing a lot more wear and tear, which shortens its lifespan.

On the flip side, a system that is too big for your needs isn’t good either. While it will cool your house quicker, this act will cause it to turn on and off more often, thus increasing wear and tear and upping energy bills. And since it won’t be running normal-length cycles, it won’t remove humidity from the air as effectively, either, which can invite illness and home damage.

In the end, consulting with an expert to figure out what size unit is best for your needs will definitely pay off in the long run. If you live in Belle Meade, Cross Plains, East Nashville, Germantown, Goodlettsville, or anywhere else nearby, consult with our experts before making your purchase. We’ll guide you in the right direction!

What Is the Best Temperature to Set My Air Conditioner At?

The best answer here is… it depends. In terms of staying comfortable, this is definitely up to personal preference. Some like a chilly and cool indoor environment, while others want their A/C set just low enough to stay comfortable.

But in terms of efficiency? Well, that’s where things get a bit more complicated. Here are some of the more common questions we get when it comes to home temperature and efficiency.

Should I turn my A/C off when I leave the house?

Turning your A/C off while you’re away should save you money on cooling bills in the long run, right? Not necessarily.

Turns out, your air conditioner will run the most efficiently when it can stay at a consistent temperature throughout the day. The more you turn it off and on, the more energy it has to put into firing back up and getting your home back to the desired temperature.

So, keeping a consistent temperature saves me the most money?

While turning your unit off and on throughout the day isn’t recommended, adjusting your thermostat a few degrees here and there throughout the day can make sense in terms of saving you money.

Take advantage of natural fluctuations in outdoor temp (i.e. turn your A/C temp higher at night and lower in the afternoon), and when you’re away, turn it up a bit too. There’s simply no sense in keeping things extra cool if no one is going to be around (or awake) to enjoy it.

That said, there’s no perfect solution. Do what’s best for your household and find the routine that seems to save you the most money, while still keeping everyone happy and comfortable.

Does adjusting my A/C put more work on my HVAC system?

Like we said, making a few adjustments now and then won’t cause harm and may actually help improve efficiency. What’s going to cause more problems is turning your system on and off time and time again, as this will invite the most wear and shorten the lifespan of the system.

Why Trust a Pro?

Your heating and cooling system is complex and made up of multiple moving parts. This means, if an AC or heating repair, cleaning, or installation job is approached incorrectly or the wrong tools are used in the process, you could be left with more time-consuming and costly issues than you started with.

Trusting an expert from the start guarantees a job done right – and less stress on your part. Not only will your system operate safer and more efficiently, you won’t invite the risk of further (and more costly) repairs down the line, either. Not to mention, most warranties are voided unless your maintenance is completed by a pro.

Make Us Your Trusted Team

Make us your trusted team for repairs, installation, maintenance, tune-ups, and more. Call 615-654-0814 with questions or to schedule, or you can contact us online and we’ll get in touch with you. Thanks for relying on us.

Two techs talking about unit outside metal building with logo hats and shirts.


Before cold weather arrives, contact our heating and cooling experts to have your heating system checked out.